I made the 50k word count on the 24th of November with a rather staggering 5567 word day. The challenge is not over though. I need to finish the novel by November 30th. There's only about four chapters to go.
A is for April...n...A-Z
Welcome to the Blogging from A-Z Challenge 2025, this is my 12th year
participating...All this month I am attempting to write about aspects of
Indian tex...
March 2025 In My Kitchen
Hi everyone. I enjoyed the linky last month, so am participating in In My
Kitchen again. As regular readers of my blog will know, I don’t have my own
eBook How-To Updates for 2025
[image: Tablet with cover of "Cat's Call by Natasha Duncan-Drake"
showing, on a wooden table, next to the title "eBook How-To Updates 2025"]
So, You Want To Write A Novella?
Novellas are usually around 100 pages long, or between 20,000-50,000 words.
They have a long, proud history in the world of fiction, but have fallen
out of...
Scavengers’ Deep – Map 17
The Scavengers’ Deep is a reminder of the amount of work that went into
underground structures during the great war. …
Continue reading →
Disco Dance Party! -- Not! ( #BOTB Results )
* It's a really quiet Saturday morning. A beautiful day to be sure,
but really quiet. That's fine with me since I'm in a quiet reserved sort
of mo...
Forever My Child
I didn't post a Ten Things of Thankful last weekend, because I didn't want
to take a single moment away from a magnificent weekend. It was practically
Ineffable Riches
'The Serviceberry' by Robin Wall Kimmerer is one of those books that gets
recommended on Bluesky, and it's so lovely and thoughtful and idealistic,
but y...
IWSG: Maych 2025
Time again for the first of the month blog hop with *Insecure Writer's
Support Group*. Thank you to our founder, *Alex J. Cavanaugh*, and all the
Institutional Sexism
State-sponsored rape, lies and deception – then a cover-up operating right
across official life. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 28th
2024 Reverse Readathon
Our next readathon, the 2024 Dewey’s Reverse Rceadathon, will be July
26-27, starting at 8pm Eastern Time on Friday, July 26th
Escape With a Writer Has MOVED!
You can find all of the latest and greatest releases, interviews, and books
Silkolene pro vs motul 300v[Differences Explained]
hydrocarbon" base oils, which offers superior thermal stability and
resistance to degradation. - Viscosity: Motul 300V is available in a wider
range of vis...
Find me now on Substack
You may be wondering who I am. After all, it’s been a while since I’ve last
posted. I assure you, at one time, you volunteered to receive my posts,
“Kindness is how love speaks” Sergio Romero is a young engineering student
at an Ivy League university where he is trying to find a girlfriend, for
love an...
Apparitions of Arakawa
The story “The Arakawa Meat Wagon” by Ross Baxter takes place in the ward
of Arakawa, located in the heart of Shitamachi – the oldest part of Tokyo
and the...
At the fork in the road, she looks left then right and chooses the middle
with a wink and a grin. Oh how the wayward souls go Tomorrow I’ll lock my
front d...
P is for Pet
Your favourite PET you've had.
I love cats. I've had a lot of cats over my lifetime and they were all
special and had their own unique personalities and ...
Confusion of Womanhood #poetry #2020aprpad
Prompt: Write a form or anti-form poem Confusion of Womanhood Which form
should I take to please your perverted mind – Mistress, Wife or Whore?
Whose altar...
I know it's a month an a half into the year, but this is literally the
first moment I've had to sit down and write a post. The bullet point recap
is prett...
Superpod Seven: Tipping Points
*Superpod* is a biennial gathering & confe...
Revisions are underway! And a poem
Writing is such an interesting process, for me at least. I hope that
something I write will be enjoyable and benefit other people, but first it
has huge be...
Escape With a Writer Sunday Author Call Out
*Happy New Year!*
*One of the fun things I've been doing this past year is a Sunday blog post
called Escape with a Writer Sunday. I've had a very busy ...
Cabo San Lucas—Thursday 12/5/19
Thursday marked our last full day in Cabo San Lucas. We kicked the day off
with breakfast at the hotel, as you do. Today’s special was a breakfast
2 New Releases!
I have fallen a little behind in updates to this page! So today I get to
tell you about TWO new releases! – Distracting the Dragon, Part 1 in
Warrian’s ...
Kill your inner critic
The Inner Critic is that voice in your head that tells you something is
worthy of appraisal or not.
Everyone has one; it just seems that writers tend to b...
A Quiet Place
Husband/wife duo John Krasinski and Emily Blunt star in this well done
horror film. What if you couldn’t make a sound lest a horrible monster
attack and k...
1001. It's Just A Sunflower
Yep. I’m back. It’s really me. Had to think about it for five years,
but then I decided to write something. Here goes:
The Husband has always plante...
Frame Complete
Ok its time for a little fun. The frame is complete for the kid sized
kayak, now its time to put something on it to keep it from rotting. I was
leaning for...
Why I Write
Why I Write by David Smith December 1, 2018 Poetry writing to acknowledge
how we feel That is the joy, as our thoughts become real To be in tune with
the f...
Joy Filled #Uganda #photography #haiku
play and sing air filled with children’s laughter young and old We love
the people of all ages in beautiful Uganda. We are blessed with smiles,
songs and...
Launching My New Author Websites!
Greetings! Welcome to my shiny, so-new-it-squeaks author website. Under the
pen name Sadira Stone, I’ll be publishing steamy contemporary romance. My
I Crushed Story a Day in May 2018
There's something really special about doing a writing challenge you have
never successfully completed before. You sign up, and you have that
immediate, go...
What’s Happened to America’s Moral Compass?
I don’t consider myself to be the most moral person in the country nor am I
now a Christian, but for decades, I could rely on the Conservative
Christian Ri...
So today Google is celebrating cartographer Abraham Ortelius, which is
fabulous, but I do feel compelled to mention that I told my blog readers
all ab...
Best Cat Food
As a cat owner you take full responsibility for the pet you adopted and you
need to learn all the details about the food cats eat and feed your cat
Depression and Grief, Similarities and Differences
If you have suffered from a serious depressive episode you may have felt
sad and inconsolable. If you have suffered from a serious loss in your
life, this ...
Day 13ish – Three days in Osaka
So I lost all discipline with my idea of a daily journal. I blame Japan
because we’ve been moving non stop and having our minds blown and shopping
and eati...
Emerging Patterns
[image: Tie dye]
All rolled up and waiting..
[image: All tied up for colors]
Ooh, here comes the first squish of color, bright pink it is...!
[image: C...
I’m Out of Sync at Newmyths.com
Hi again! I’m very excited to announce that my science fiction story “Out
of Sync”, about a grandfather who goes into a TimeBubble room to live
longer and ...
Abhinav Bhat's Current Query Revised 2 - Critiqued
Ugh, work has been so nuts. It took me three days just to get back to this.
Sorry, Abhinav! But hey, let's get right to work, right? My feedback, as
Getting to Writers' Conferences
My novel, *Leave the Frigging Marshmallows*, has been in process for a
while. Years.
Novel notes. *Photo by Robin Israel.* Part of this is because I questio...
Yellow Journalism
“Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.”
Google define.
I don't know if the foreign sources flooding America with fake new...
It hurt. As if someone had cut away pieces of her body. Without her gnomes,
her caretakers, her guardians, she withered.
Anybody Got the Time (Soundtrack of My Life)
Once spent, time is a commodity that can never be replaced. I've
squandered more than a few precious hours in my life with television or
Identity Crisis
I have lost my identity.
I'm not sure if I'm still mom, wife, daughter or 911 dispatcher.
If I'm not any of the above, then who am I besides lost?
Insecure Writer's Support Group
It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for a new Insecure Writer's
Support Group post. Thank you so much to *Alex J. Cavanaugh* for starting
Zentangle for relaxation
Day # 26 of the A-Z Challenge, today and for 26 days in the month of April,
we talked about the various A-Z's of gratitudes in life and biz. In other
April Insecure Writer's Support Group
Got insecurities? Check it out. The IWSG, a monthly online writing group
for those of us still not quite sure how we're going to make it in the
writing jun...
No Barking
This post is about what real love is.
I remember when I was little and we first got a dog. Up till then, I'd not
liked dogs. And I'd not wanted to like thi...
New Land
Do the bones haunt you?
The starved sheep abandoned
in the crumbling mortar walls
left by fleeing predecessors.
November kills everything.
Is there beauty...
Productivity Boost at Home: Tips for Writers
Juggling 4 jobs and family life means that some things have to be set
aside, so I haven’t been blogging this whole year. But when Emily emailed
me to ask a...
Dear Yuletide Writer 2015
Dear Yuletide Writer,
First and most importantly, thank you for volunteering to write fic for me!
Yuletide is always a fun time of year for me, bec...
Finding Time to Write
I set a goal for myself this year, that I would write one short story a
month. 10kish. Thats only 2500 a week, only 333 words a day. Thats nothing,
super e...
We have an oopsie!
Looks like the domain name server for my site has a major case of
hiccups...or worse. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon.
To Petra,
I haven't written anything here for awhile because nothing has drawn
me back until now. Today I finally came home to Reading Practice because
what I...
Prologue- Expired
I want to start this off by apologizing. I didn’t do enough to help. Who
knew that the immortal could be so blind? Though, I guess, it wasn’t always
like t...
I have lived and lost this life many times Been born and reborn and born
again Been pulled out of myself and put back again I have found myself, of
no acco...
Power is intoxicating. Everyone loves having the ability to make their
decisions into reality — to think "this should be something that happens,"
and the...
Best Product Ever... Coconut Oil
* This week's theme is kitchen essentials I could not live my life with
out. We all have those one or two items we use every week in our cooking
that mi...
Daily Prompt: Second Time Around
Daily Prompt: Second Time Around. Tell us about a book you can read again
and again without getting bored — …
Continue reading →
Post #3 - It's only been a few days, right?
Yup, work is still nuts, but the good news is that the world's greatest
supervisor (who isn't mine, just for the record, but was years ago) got my
status f...
R.I.P. My dear cat Agatha
R.I.P. My dear cat Agatha, who was a loving, kind, and constant companion
for the last 20 years. I will miss you my furry friend.
Sustainability project in Madrid, Spain
Hi all.
A friend of mine mentioned this a while ago, about a project he is working
on in Madrid, Spain.
March Comes In Like a Lion, Blows Out Like a Lamb
Hi kids! It's me again. Here for what is turning out to be my monthly
blog post. It seems like my monthly posts are going to be about blowjobs.
There a...
Year 1 is nearly finished
Hi all! It's hard to believe that not only has it been a year since I made
a post here, but also it's been a year since I returned from Colorado and