Sunday, June 10, 2018

Mindcrack Diaries

I now have seven zombies trapped; imprisoned; all of the formerly-human variety (if human is the right word for the civilians who inhabit this earth-like planet). I have prepared a tiny village for them. There are no established villages nearby; neither to accommodate them nor to seed the city I envision: Hulk City. Perhaps the first city this planet will see?

I cannot cure them without the appropriate potions etcetera, which I am equipped to manufacturer at Castle Minerva; my home-in-progress which is so far away that I got lost trying to find it when returning from this region after my recent, inaugural visit, and lost again trying to find my way back here. Mind you on this occasion, I expect to retain my compass. It always guides me to Castle Minerva, or rather to Genustown specifically, which is just down the road from my ambitious castle project, via Toad's Corners, Sandtrap Pool and Steve's Lagoon.

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