Saturday, January 12, 2013


November 2011 I succeeded at NaNoWriMo for the first time, hitting 56000 words or so. I borrowed from that success. I approached other goals using the same method of forecasting, tracking and reporting but on a scale of one year instead of one month. By New Years eve just past, I had succeeded in a couple goals and fell short of many more.

I can not keep falling short.

2013 is the test.

I have brought even more goals onto the radar, adjusted the numbers to be more realistic and appropriate, devised the structures to make the discipline easier to obtain, and even devised a method for improving motivation; for keeping inspiration within reach for those critical decision-making moments.

Currently there are four pillars to my existence; this enterprise that is New Day Rising: Financial, Health, Poetic Growth and Manifestation (productivity). Each one has become more vital then ever. They are completely interdependent and the failure of any will bring the roof crashing down.

And what if the roof crashes down in 2013? Then I must soul-search again. I must re-examine my life goals and maybe have to roll back some of my dreams; a sober thought. But for now I have no intention to be in that circumstance.

I will here lay out the precise goals. It's not important that readers read them. What is important is that I divulge my progress monthly. That is one of the motivators though certainly not chief among them.

secure additional employment
pay off Canada Revenue Agency
re-friend insurance industry
save for/purchase CPAP machine and mask
pay off personal loan

get Sleep Apnoea treated
darken bedroom windows
get proper earplugs
follow diet 365 days
walk 600KM
lose 60 lbs

get music keyboard/Synthesizer
learn to use keyboard/Synthesizer
get "talisman"
18 sessions with Neo
12 other inner-circle sessions
12 outer-circle sessions
research 18 subjects
log 180 quotes
write 330,000 words
compose: 80 sessions
edit 144 chapters
read 624 chapters
explore 150 new albums

record 12 original songs
post 12 original music videos (not slide shows!)
24 circle of support meetings
36 charitable sessions
37 young readers sessions
37 young writers sessions
post 3 interviews
blog 200 articles
journal 72 items
publish something

First reporting: February 1st. Here we go...

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