Monday, January 17, 2022

The hardest letter I've ever had to write

January 8th, 2022

Hi Uncle Stan. I guess I'd better choose my words carefully since you probably don't want to waste your precious time reading a bunch of drivel; am I right? So... I'll be sincere and hopefully concise.

I don't really know, of course, how you'd like to spend your time. Please don't spare a shred of it being polite to me if you have better things to do, such as people to attend who you have seen more than three times in your life!

Right now, thanks to internet voodoo, I'm looking at your house in Parksville where you were a generous host, in more ways than one, to myself and dear friend Tyler. I've never forgotten your fine spirit and humour, nor the excellent treat it was, connecting with you at my brother's wedding. It really was grand that you made it out! Your presence was a highlight. It seems like just yesterday.

I hear scientists and geniuses suggesting that time as we know it is an illusion and I love science but time sure feels to me like one beast of a commodity right now.

I also appreciate that science has not availed all the answers as yet; such as the precise fate and function of neural activity, its info-rich electromagnetic field, the "illusion" of consciousness and the exciting possibilities derived from they and their relationships, and the places they might possibly be equipped to exist, besides in human tissues.

What I mean is: I hope that you have an adventure ahead of you. I hope that time bends for you in a way that feels eternal.

After all, this fearsome universe with all its dire forces seems to have made some spectacularly unlikely accommodations in this little corner, to offer us this brave miraculous tiny paradise of ours. Such a strange kindness! Why shouldn't it have also kicked some useful dents into the cruel structure of time while it was at it? Maybe you will discover this! 

And if not, maybe that's okay? Maybe the adventures behind you are the greater treasure? I've heard some of them! You surely have lived! Memories are the counterpart to time I suppose, and better than any gold, don't you think?

I remember very specific exchanges from our few conversations. Your thoughts were entertaining and richer in profundity than most.

Though I cannot regard the passing from this life as tragedy, It surely can feel that way, and I am rather empathetic and very heavy with the emotion of it now, especially to think of Rose and the girls. I had the most excellent conversation with Michelle at our one opportunity some years back. I thought she was wonderful!

So I expect you will be appropriately popular for awhile and have many persons and interests well ahead of me on your pecking order. But if I should rate for any reason, I'd be honoured to trade notes or skype with you. I'm without a phone at this moment. That could change any day. 

Otherwise I'd be thrilled to receive any offerings from you, including thoughts or stories which have been copied and pasted from your communications with others. By all means leverage your time and efforts. You're a celebrity now.

Well... I hope my tone here has conveyed the respect and gravity I feel. If I have seemed too casual I did not intend to.

Please know that I'm grateful to have shared this planet with you and I cherish the distinctive and noble mark you have contributed to my impression of our excellent family. 

I wish you peace and courage.

With love, your nephew,

I thought that this communication and any which might follow would stay between my uncle and I, but it appears this message may not have reached him. So I share it with the Great and Powerful Internet instead. Today is the day of his final appointment; when his suffering is ceased. He is 84 and has acknowledged that he has had a good life.

Cheers, Uncle


IntrepidReader said...

What a wonderful, heartfelt letter. Your uncle sounds like a very special man. So sorry for your loss.

Fantasy Writer Guy said...

Thank you for your support, sweet friend!