Sunday, December 30, 2018

Why 2019 will be a great year...

… or else disastrous. I’m fairly sure it will be one or the other.

Here’s 2018 at a glance:
  • celebrated somewhere between ten and fifteen good night’s sleeps
  • was tired and/or dazed almost every waking-ish moment.
  • made about a dozen good decisions and at least ten thousand noticeably bad ones.
  • got fatter, pushing the limits of available affordable clothing. Even the shockingly outrageously expensive fat guy stores are growing a little doubtful when I squeeze through their door.

  • I much enjoyed the constant servicing of my first undoubtedly real addiction - every single day as far as I recall, which, by the way, I imagined that I could actually give up any semblance of a healthy life in exchange for. Yes, I could actually imagine (not desire but imagine) giving up all my creative projects (roughly 150 active projects on file!), plus all my goals plus all my friends in exchange for a life immersed in my addiction, and this without any sense of alarm at all. This strikes me as a useful test by the way: if this can be imagined without alarm. This thing is not a secret by the way but I wish to reveal it in a more useful way than this, and soon. For now, I seek brevity.
  • My mobility has reduced drastically and my volume of employment and financial functionality likewise.
  • I have been entirely scattered in my pursuits and badly unproductive. I started many new projects and finished a couple. 
  • I have made little net progress taking back my bedroom from the storage room it ruthlessly evolved into.
  • I have been almost entirely unmindful; unconscious; instinctive; spiritually asleep.
  • I have been mostly without pity and with feelings closer to contempt or disdain for these creatures of society who surround and resemble me so much.
  • I have let many close personal relationships suffer, and felt unwisely grieved over some which I covet too dearly.
  • I have also made valuable, unlikely new friendships.
  • Somewhat surprisingly this year I have received more support, and commitment to keeping me working - at sites I can handle - from my employer. The prospects look good for 2019 if I can keep my mobility from slipping further.

Causality is so profoundly simple in nature but so uncontainably complex in its networks that we imagine it to be something other than what it is, so as to indulge in vain fantasies of the why and the blame… but I can trace some generalities: Lack of sleep and lack of mindfulness both hover near the centre of this great mess, like two galaxies converging into chaos, and I am finally at the point where I can more than just identify the most useful initial battlefields should I take an interest in living again, before (in some ways) it is too late. I am at the point, very recently, where I imagine the addiction contained in its place and imagine the specific tinkerings of a comprehensively healthy life, and it all looks and feels good to me. Not just that the rewards look good to me but the path looks good to me. It looks difficult and doable and satisfying. If I was prone to that thing called hope it would be applicable here.

Something really seems to be happening to me now, and I aim to share it here, for I have felt for some time that the real purpose of this blog, should it ever mature, is to document my struggle; that which regards my inner purpose. Though I intend to go on sharing my outer purpose amusements as well. I expect 2019 to be a busy year for us, dear blog. I dare to intend to visit daily.

Okay… five times a week?


Unknown said...

This is my first time doing a blog comment on anyone’s blog in years, and since I hit the cap on how many characters I can post in a comment, my comment comes in two parts XD

So, your 2018 at-a-glance is much like mine. Here’s the points (from your above list) that we share:

-celebrated somewhere between ten and fifteen good night’s sleeps
-was tired and/or dazed almost every waking-ish moment.
-made about a dozen good decisions and at least ten thousand noticeably bad ones.
-I much enjoyed the constant servicing of my first undoubtedly real addiction - every single day as far as I recall, which, by the way, I imagined that I could actually give up any semblance of a healthy life in exchange for.
-I have made little net progress taking back my bedroom from the storage room it ruthlessly evolved into.
-I have been almost entirely unmindful; unconscious; instinctive; spiritually asleep.
-I have been mostly without pity and with feelings closer to contempt or disdain for these creatures of society who surround and resemble me so much.
-I have let many close personal relationships suffer, and felt unwisely grieved over some which I covet too dearly.
-I have also made valuable, unlikely new friendships.

That being said, I’ve done a great deal of things myself - most in the last few weeks- in regards to the shared points from above:

-became spiritually awake, as well as practicing the DBT/CBT skills I forgot about (mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness)

-started to find a balance between my own addiction (gaming) and personal time where I Get Shit Done (ie, I take the time every day to sit at Tims -which is my “office”- to do 5-9 hours of studying, writing or whatever I need to get done online that day in terms of sites etc) then when I get home, I can game/Netflix until I sleep

-my sleep is still a mess so once the Adderall wears off, I’m up another few hours, sometimes pushing 20-30 hours awake so I’m in a state of exhaustion most times lately and I know I need to work on it but also my body is still adjusting to the new meds and that will Take Time and also I need to be patient with it

-as with the sleep - sticking to a schedule that my sleep doctor suggested; as I’ve non-24-hour sleep/wake syndrome (a severe circadian rhythm disorder) due to being colourblind (as I also found out recently - in October) my sleep is reversed and we all know this but now my sleep “schedule” I try to stick with is: in bed between 5-8am and awake by 5-8pm no matter how tired I am. I set an alarm and let myself have one day without an alarm as my sleep needs to ‘reset’ sometimes (or no alarm if my body is pushing me to stay up 20+hrs; I let myself catch up a bit but no longer than 15hrs asleep) also sleep hygiene practices; can share mine if you like? I’ve some good tips/tricks.

-I’m planning out how to make tiny weekly progress from turning my storage room back into a bedroom (I’m working on only one bit a week so I’m not overwhelmed, and have hopes to have my room back to functional use by August latest)

-Learning to be more mindful (not just via DBT therapy) but mindful of people/things around me, be more conscious of people/things around me and have had the realisation that a lot of the people I’ve been on the outs with, I need to fix things with or allow the natural progression of things ‘fixing’ as they have the last few months (I’m sure you know what I mean and with whom) and allow it to happen because life and friends can be snuffed out so quickly and if I take anything away from our dear friend’s passing it’s that I need to really learn “is this worth ending a friendship over?” and truly mediate on that

-which leads… working at repairing friendships I can. Accepting those who do not wish to have things fixed and move on from that; I have to understand that we don’t always get closure when things end

(part two coming...)

Unknown said...

(part two...)

So we both have some of the same things we’ve done this year but I’m looking forward to changing not just for a resolution but in 2019 in general. I have my prospective job, but I also suddenly got a chance to return to Slowhawk for my exams (to do my exams for my Addictions and Concurrent Disorders course, which I couldn’t do at the time as my mom developed cancer and found out hours before I was to go do my exams - talk about timing).

Then, things just got bad and worse as they do, so by time things settled to where I could take them it was far too late. The time had come and gone, but this means I can redo my studies -my grades were really good before but I’ve a second chance to do better now!- and then do my exams and then go for my social work certificate and that opens up a whole huge idea I have that I’ve been talking to my therapist about. It’s kind of on the down low right now (don’t want to jinx anything) but I’m hoping to be able to start a sort of weekly CBT or DBT training for 1 hour a week for homeless/at-risk adults who suffer with addiction. It’s a long thing and I do have a business plan but first order of things is to sort my studies and get my damn certificates.

Also, I need to start fixing friendships. That’s huge. I’m sick of being lonely. Sick of letting things fall apart.

Anyway, that was a long comment I probably should’ve just emailed this but whatever :D

Also excited to hear you’re shaping the way you use your blog. I’ve always blogged openly about my struggles and it was cathartic. It also opened the door for me to find a way to help others struggling with ADHD and focus and writing and productivity while having ADHD, via a blog I just started. So yay! I love when things shift in the world and everything starts to fall into place.

I’ve your back to make sure 2019 is good for you. <3

Fantasy Writer Guy said...

Hey - thanks Nixy. I am definitely open to hearing tips regarding sleep. I already have a giant to-do list in that regard (so incredibly complicated are my sleep issues); some of which is happening!

I get completely overwhelmed all the time when I try to bring my room into order. I want to try a disciplined 15 minutes per day strategy...

I have been sad over failing friendships (and/or my possibly-paranoid perception of failure) which I know is not wise. The past does not exist. Learn from it; yes. But the present is real and in the present is potential and opportunity. These are far more useful than regret.

So much more to say... look forward to connecting in person.